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Hormones are the chemical messages your body sends. The production of hormones happens in the endocrine gland. Hormones travel through your bloodstream, give information to your organs and tissues, and tell them what to do.

What Exactly Is A Hormone Imbalance?

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Hormones also help to control a majority of the body’s major processes like reproduction and metabolism. Therefore, when you have a hormonal imbalance, you have either too little or too much of a particular hormone in your body. Tiny changes to your hormonal balance can bring about vast differences in your body. We can try comparing your hormones to a cake recipe. If you put too much or too little of a particular ingredient, the result will have a different taste. 

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Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance

It is important to realize how crucial your hormones are to your health. When it comes to the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, they are broad and different for every individual. Your hormonal imbalance symptoms are primarily dependent on the hormonal glands that are not working correctly. However, the list below has all the typical symptoms for both women and men who suffer from hormonal imbalance.

There are also hormonal imbalance symptoms that are specific to women, men, and children

Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance In Women

The most common symptom in women is the polycystic ovary syndrome. Typically, a woman’s cycle changes during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause. However, with hormonal imbalance, women begin to experience the following symptoms

  • Irregular and heavy periods
  • Excessive hair on the chin and face and other parts of the body.
  • Acne on the chest, face, or upper back.
  • Darkening of skin
  • Weight gain and it becomes extremely hard to lose weight.

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms Male

The development of men is mainly dependent on the male hormone is known as testosterone. If a man is not producing enough testosterone, it causes the following symptoms.

  • Development of the male tissue
  • Loss of mass in a man’s muscles
  • Infertility
  • A decrease in hair growth and beards
  • Hot flashes
  • Difficulty concentrating on a specific task.

Symptoms in children

All teenage boys and girls must undergo puberty. It is the time when girls and boys begin to produce sex hormones, which helps usher in the boys and girls into adulthood. However, some children delay experiencing puberty and it results in a condition known as Hypogonadism. Below are symptoms of Hypogonadism.

For Boys

For Girls

There are plenty of reasons why people experience hormonal imbalance. It could be because of a disease or even medication. However, no matter the reason we provide an amicable solution on how to deal with the hormonal imbalance disease. We have a holistic plan that will help bring your hormones back into a regular balance.