
What exactly is a Pain?

When something irritating or harmful affects any part of your body, there is always a biological response for your body to eradicate it. The same applies to inflammation. Inflammation is a resistance mechanism of your immune system. Your immune system recognizes the damaged cells, pathogens, and irritants. After the immune system attacks the pathogens and irritants, it then goes ahead to repair the damaged cells in your body. Then the healing process begins. Inflammation and pain is the body’s self-protection response when removing the harmful pathogens and irritants in your body. Without the inflammation response, it would be impossible for infections, damaged tissue, and wounds to heal quickly.

Pain And Inflammation

Inflammation is beneficial for instance; when you injure your knee, inflammation provides care and protection to your damaged tissues. However, chronic inflammation is dangerous and can eventually lead to several other diseases and conditions.

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The immediate response for anyone to any swelling on any part of your body is to try to find a way to reduce the swelling. However, it is essential to keep in mind that inflammation is your immune system responding to the healing process of your damaged tissues. The first stage in the healing process using the inflammation response is irritation or pain. Then afterward it becomes inflamed. After inflammation comes the discharge of pus.

The discharge of pus is followed by the granulation stage, and then a new tissue is formed. However, there are instances when the inflammation becomes severe, and it leads to other diseases.

Here are some symptoms of inflammation. Nevertheless, remember that swelling reacts differently depending on the intensity of the inflammation. The signs of acute inflammation are summed up in an acronym called PRISH.

P stands for Pain. You experience pain especially during and after touching the injured area. The reason for the pain is that the body releases chemicals, which stimulates the nerve endings around the wound. It ends up making the injury sensitive.

R stands for Redness. The redness occurs due to the surrounding capillaries around the wound being filled with more blood than usual.

I stands for Immobility. Immobility is a result of the loss of movement in the section with inflammation.

S stands for swelling. The swelling is a result of the fluid buildup around the injury.

H stands for heat. The more the blood flows to the swelling, the more the area will feel hot when touched.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation include

  • Mouth sores
  • Chest pains
  • Abdominal pains
  • Rash
  • Fever
  • Joint pains

The primary reason for inflammation is physical reactions, which are triggered by your immune system in response to an injury or an infection. However, before a person notices that they have acute or severe inflammation; three processes have to take place. First, your arteries enlarge, and it increases blood flow. Second, the capillaries around the wound become easier for proteins and fluids to penetrate. Afterward, the body releases a white blood cell that digests microorganisms known as neutrophils.

Holistic health works up a plan that helps you deal with inflammation and reduce the pain you may experience with acute or severe inflammation.