General Info on Parasites

The job of parasites is to return organic tissue to the state of being fertilizer, compost or soil amendment, so that the electrical energy and minerals can be reused. Therefore, parasites are going to find the most “weakened” place in the body to live… where they have the best chance of decomposing that tissue. In other words, they will go to where your defenses are the least and attack you there. They can do considerable damage… so the best plan is to quickly destroy the parasites and then increase nutrition (to fortify against future attacks).


Most people just never equate their symptoms to a parasitic problem. Most of the time your doctor is not looking for parasites when you are being examined. Really the problem is that detecting parasites is somewhat haphazard. The normal way of detecting parasites is very prone to error… because the eggs that are the telltale signs of parasites are cyclic and may not be in the stool sample being examined one day… and yet be present three days later. So, doctors have given up looking for them.

Yet, they can still be there and they effect on the body is insidious. Parasites weaken the body’s immune system, making us more susceptible to other health problems and usually it is these other health problems that get diagnosed, not the underlying parasite contribution to that problem.

Unfortunately, neither we nor our health provider makes the connection to parasites, and as a result, the recommended cure does not actually treat the parasites. Without a doubt, parasites are commonplace and are robbing the health of many.

Parasites Infect 80% of Everyone

It is estimated that parasites infect up to 80% of the world population, and these infestations are not limited to developing nations with poor sanitation. Most tests are performed on “stool samples” but in reality only a few parasites inhabit the intestinal tract; eggs are released in cycles, so that one may test negative on a particular day and test positive just a few days later. Thus many can test negative when in fact they do have parasites!

Parasites undermine your health by directly damaging tissues, taking food and energy from the tissues where they coexist, and by releasing toxic wastes that further weaken, toxify and burden your body.

Parasites can be present in:

  • your blood
  • your joints
  • your lungs
  • behind your eyeballs
  • inside your intestines and organs
  • virtually any part of your body!

How People Come in Contact With Parasites?

  1. The most common method of transmission isthrough pets. You can get parasites by not washing your hands after petting your dog or cat or handling your scaly or feathered friends, or by touching their litter box, bedding or food dish or sitting on couches or walking barefoot where they have been. This is the reason why women are advised to stop emptying the cat litter box while they are pregnant and everyone should de-worm their pets regularly.
  2. Parasites also spread because of increased immigration and travel.
  3. One of the most at risk groups of people are our children. They are constantly sticking their fingers into their mouths. In day care centers, all the children and adult supervisors are in danger of being infected. Once a child is afflicted with a parasite, the child’s whole family is in danger, beginning with the mother who hugs and kisses and bathes her children.
  4. The popularity of raw or undercooked foods, in particular meats and fish, exposes people to      parasites. Until recently, the US government had banned the import of Italian prosciutto because the traditional method used to cure the pork did not involve heat of any kind.
  5. Swimming in lakes and beaches exposes people to parasites, especially after heavy rains when bacteria and parasite levels rise due to run-off.

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