Coffee Enemas—The Benefits of Your Morning “Joe” In a Whole New Light


Coffee Enemas—The Benefits of Your Morning “Joe” In a Whole New Light

Great news! A fabulous way to detox from clogged fecal sludge and built-up toxins in your lower bowel is taking in your coffee “backwards”—so to speak.

Enemas are a method of introducing water, herbs, and, in this case…coffee into your lower colon.  More than just making you feel good, a coffee enema will help flush toxins from your liver where residual products may remain from past medicines, illnesses, and partially degraded everyday products from foods and other incoming poisons.

When coffee’s caffeine opens your bile ducts, it will stimulate your liver to produce glutathione, a very powerful antioxidant that will cleanse your bloodstream. Increasing your glutathione levels likewise encourages a more efficient metabolism. And the caffeine itself urges your liver to release fat-emulsifying bile.

The enema is a simple process in which you infuse brewed and then strained organic coffee into an enema bag that you then gently insert into the rectum. After retaining the liquid for approximately 15 minutes, you will feel a powerful peristaltic action in the bowel. The procedure terminates in a regular bowel evacuation on the toilet, flushing much waste from your colon. Many people are amazed at the sense of well-being they experience directly following the coffee enema. Some feel like they’ve just had that cup of morning “Joe” while others report feeling like they can “take on the world.”

Of course, we provide coffee enemas in the serene setting at H.E.A.L.E.D. therapy but you can try one on your own. Contact a health professional or one of our health coaches for a consult at 508-693-0001 before you try attempt it at home.

But the process is simple. In a non-aluminum pot or saucepan, mix 4 cups of filtered or distilled water with 3-4 tablespoons finely ground, organic coffee. (Not instant). Boil for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes. Let it cool to warm, testing a few drops on the inside of your wrist.

Strain the coffee through a fine sieve to separate out the grounds and then pour the liquid into an enema bag, making sure to close the clamp afterwards. Apply coconut or olive oil or butter to the tip of the tube of the enema. Hang the bag and then lie down lie down on you left side in a tub and then gently insert the tube 3 to 6 inches into the rectum. Slowly open the clamp to the enema bag and allow the coffee to flow in slowly. Slow the flow down a bit if you feel any discomfort. After you allow the bag of coffee to enter your colon, wait 10 to 15 minutes before releasing the liquid while sitting on the toilet. If you feel a strong cramp or urge before the 15 minutes, it’s fine to release the coffee early.

In the meantime, don’t forget you’re daily supplements, including probiotics, enzymes, green drink, and Panoxol!

Panoxol is a natural daily supplement for overall circulation, optimal blood pressure, weight loss and muscle recovery. Everybody should be on it! Use Panoxol to harness the power of natural ingredients for your well-being. A Physician-Formulated, US-Patented blend of six all-natural ingredients that promote overall cardiovascular health. Panoxol includes:

  • Horse Chestnut to alleviate inflammation related to injury, venous insufficiency, and swelling
  • Red Yeast Rice to support healthy cholesterol levels and overall heart health.
  • Ginkgo Biloba to promote circulation and heart health.
  • Cayenne to promotes overall cardiovascular function and aid detoxification.

Order Panoxol at and other daily supplements at

You can reach us at 508-693-0001 and for more information and/or questions.

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