Introduction To Enzyme Therapy

Enzyme supplements support the pancreas, liver, and immune system. Enzymes allow one substance to be turned into a different substance?that is to say, A-into-B, and B-into-C, and etc. It is very important to understand this in order to get the most out of what one eats. However, this is not the most important part of enzyme action. Enzymes are also able to communicate with the surrounding cells, distinguishing and differentiating between healthy cells and defective cells. This distinguishing ability is a key to understanding how to properly use the TumorX enzyme therapy. Unadulterated pancreatic enzymes (Tumor X 103X and TumorX 303X) are designed with the ability to digest the food we eat, and also work as a quality control for the cells our body produces. Let?s focus on the capability of the cell quality-control that TumorX Enzymes are able to accomplish.

TumorX enzymes are able to destroy cancerous cells piece-by-piece and bit-by-bit. The destruction begins once a cancerous cell is detected. The very first part of the cell to be destroyed is the fibrin. The fibrin is comprised of carbohydrates. These carbohydrates form a protective canopy that engulfs the cell and allows the cancerous cell to communicate with adjacent cells, which over time, will also become cancerous (this is a simple overview of how cancer forms into a tumor and how cancer metastasizes throughout one?s body). In a healthy body this process is not necessarily a pressing issue, but over time it can become more pressing as immune defenses decline.

Pancreatice Enzyme in Clinical Studies

  • This pilot study suggests that an aggressive nutritional therapy with large doses of pancreatic enzymes led to significantly increased survival over what would normally be expected for patients with inoperable pancreatic adenocarcinoma
  • Oral enzyme therapy and experiemental rat mammary tumor metastis
  • Pancreatic Enzyme Extract Improves Survival in Murine Pancreatic Cancer

What is Enzyme Therapy?

A simple explanation of this is as follows:

There are millions, if not trillions, of new cells being produced in one?s body every single day, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, three-hundred-sixty-five days a year. This process never stops. In healthy, as well as unhealthy bodies, the cells are created. With that stated, one needs to understand the mathematical and biological impossibility of every single cell being perfect every time they are reproduced, millions of times over and over in one?s lifetime. It?s a fact: the cells are not going to reproduce one-hundred percent perfect every single time. This very imperfection is why the body has a control process in place?located in the pancreas. From the pancreas, pancreatic enzymes are released throughout the body. And these enzymes are the control process. Natural enzymes in a healthy individual maintains the balance between cancer cell production and cancer cell destruction. However, as we age, injuries and illnesses place added stress on our bodies and we cannot produce sufficient proteolytic enzymes to help break down and eliminate cancer cells. The number of cancer cells increases, therefore, enzyme supplementation is essential. Enzyme therapy using pancreatin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and bromelain are able to attack cancer cells by breaking down the cancer cell antigens, and removing the ?glue? by which cancer cells attach themselves to vessel walls and tissues.

The more enzymes present in the body, the greater the chances the immune defense system will be able to identify individual cancer cells. People with an increased risk of cancer could reduce their risk by taking enzymes. Enzyme therapy must be continued indefinitely for the best results. Higher doses of enzymes are needed for individuals who have cancer. And lower doses are required for regular maintenance. Enzyme combinations derived from plant and animal sources give the best results for creating synergism between the different types of proteolytic enzymes.

Stephen J. Taussing has researched bromelain (an extract from pineapples which is a mixture of a number of proteolytic enzymes) for several years and found that it can produce certain anti-cancer effects. In his research, he has found that TumorX 403X (bromelain) retards the growth and metastasis of several malignant cell lines in vitro and in vivo. Further, protelytic enzymes could be taken before and after a cancer operation and/or Chemosurgery. This along with other immune-stimulating products strengthens the weakened immune system that always follows allopathic intervention (surgical chemosurgery or chemo-injections). Early in chemistry before Biochemistry in past times, it was thought that enzymes (whether in food or in supplement form) could not be absorbed intact, and instead were completely broken down into their smallest parts (such as amino acids) before being absorbed from the small intestine into the circulatory system. Today, we know this is untrue. Growing amounts of research by a number of highly-respected scientists has shown that enzymes are, in fact, absorbed intact. The primary method of absorption is pinocytosis, a method by which whole molecules are engulfed by cells and absorbed. After connecting to a receptor in the intestinal wall, the enzymes are guide through the intestinal cells in vesicles (small sacks), and released into the blood to connect to white blood cells. In the process of digestion amylase digests the carbohydrates and sugars of the meal.

Protease breaks down protein into assimulatable peptides and polypeptides. The glycoproteins of animal and/or human-cells contain many oligosaccharide groups covalently attached to asparagine, serine, threonine, or hydroxylysine residues of their polypeptide chains. This is all done safely in the confines of the digestive track.

Lipase catalyses the hydrolysis of fats (monoglycerides, diglycerides and triglycerides) into glycerol and fatty acids.

Unadulterated Amylase:

Unadulterated amylase in formula 103X and formula 303X will be able to destroy the fibrin around the cancerous cells as explained above. However, before the pancreatic enzyme amylase can destroy significant amounts of fibrin, sufficient amounts of amylase must be in one?s body. Enzymes are dose-dependent.

First, the enzyme must be in one’s body before any action can take place. Enzymes do not immediately go to the cancer site. What enzymes do first is correct the underlying problems in the body (example: enzymes can change cholesterol into vitamins or hormones as needed by the body). Enzymes will act as a catalyst with the first suitable substance with which they come in contact. If there are only sufficient amounts of amylase in one?s body to deconstruct one million cancer cells per day, and one?s body is producing three million cancer cells per day, that person is losing ground by two million cells per day. However, this is not accurate in its totality, since the amount of cancerous cells being produced compound daily (cancer could be likened to the interest on a 30-year mortgage payment, or a credit card interest payment?although a somewhat crude analogy, the simplicity shows the logic).

The following is for others who need a mathematical expression of how cancer cells compound daily to visualize:

  • Day-one, 1 cell;
  • Day-two, 2 cells;
  • Day-three, 4 cells;
  • Day-four, 8 cells;
  • Day-five, 16 cells;
  • Day-six, 32 cells;
  • Day-seven, 64 cells;
  • Day-eight, 128 cells;
  • Day eleven, 1,024 cells:
  • Day-thirty, 1,073,741,824 cancer cells.

This is assuming the cancer cells are doubling every day?a major assumption. If one?s body is manufacturing one billion new cancer cells every 30 days, in short order one?s body will be saturated with this deadly combination of exposure time and cancer.

Quality Enzyme Therapy

Now that the important of enzymes quantity and quality has been described, let?s go into the biological-mechanics of amylase and cancer.

Amylase is used to remove the fibrin (carbohydrate chain) from the cancer cell, thus the cancer cells? communication with other cells will be hindered and/or stopped. When cancer cells communication with adjacent cells they influence new cell structure while they are being formed. This is a normal process of new cell renewal. This is also exactly how the cancer cells metastasize. One of the main problems with cancer cells is that they do not have the programmed sequenced death, in striking contrast to healthy cells (that is to say, cancer cells do not die). But cancer cells do influence the chemical and biological structure of cells that are being formed adjacenet to them?A cell?s normal or abnormal (i.e., cancerous) regeneration is dependent upon the cell adjacent alongside it.

Once the carbohydrate chain is removed, the cancerous cell will be exposed, allowing complete destruction to occur. This must be accomplished first before other cancer-destroying functions can be employed (i.e. protease and lipase enzymes).

What Are Enzymes?

All enzymes accelerate reactions, or even permit reactions that otherwise would not happen, while the enzymes themselves end up changed. Enzymes therefore are catalysts and can act over and over again doing the same thing. The proteases group (trypsin, chymotrypsin) carboxypeptidases amd elastases are specifically directed to proteins. Amylase attacks carbohydrates; lipases attack fats, etc.

TumorX Formula 103X is the only pancreatic enzyme formula on the market that has the full protease family in concentrations that will defeat cancer in the human body. Because enzymes are catalysts, their effectiveness can be greatly influenced by their environment. An acid and/or alkaline environment will increase activity or retard activity, as will temperatures, concentrations of substrate (the substance upon which they work), coenzymes or cofactors, and inhibitors?these environments all play a part in the efficiency or the lack of efficiency in enzymes. The cancer cells act as enzyme-inhibitors by secreting a number of substances that reversibly inhibit the proteases manufactured by the pancreas in the body (this is one of the reasons that high levels of pancreatin are needed to defeat cancer). Usually glyco-proteins in the form of lactate (a precursor to lactic acid) are released from the cancer cells as enzyme-inhibitors.

How Does An Enzyme Know A Cell Is Carcinomic In Nature, Defective or Dead?:

This question has puzzled many. There are two basic theories, the first and oldest is called Vitalism ? the doctrine that all the functions of a living organism are due to an unknown vital principle distinct from all chemical and physical forces. The newest theory is called Physicist or Physiciststism ? belief that the fundamental phenomena of life are to be explained upon purely-chemical and -physical principles (as opposed to vitalism). Both are a doctrine of theory, an ?ism? being a visionary theory. With that state, here are the facts:

A) Living Cells Are Able to Communicate One To And With Another.

B) Living Cells Are Able to Request Nutrients From Adjacents Cells, i.e requesting transcellular-migration. This phenomenon is not limited to only nutrients entering the cells and waste products leaving the cells (i.e. lactate), cells have the ability to allow trans cellular-migration of extremely large enzymes and nutrients.

C) Living Cells Give Off Signals Allowing The Body To Identify The Health State of The Cell. An example of the health state of a cell is undergoing is naturally-occurring apoptosis. The body needs to be aware of the narcosis of cells, being ready to replace the cell, utilizing the energy from the narcotic cell, and carcinoma cells utilizing greater amounts of glucose. While the cell is in the state of aerobic or anaerobic rest, the consumption of glucose is abnormally high.

D) The Body Can Identify Carcinoma Cells.

These four facts are very important to the understanding of enzyme therapy. We must understand that an enzyme is a natural catalyst, but displays the attributes of living matter. (An example of a simple chemical catalyst is sodium-hydroxide (caustic soda). This is used to make everything from hand soap to writing paper. Sodium-hydroxide freely exchanges ions to accomplish the chemical reactions).

Enzymes are different from simple chemicals. They belong to a special branch of chemistry called by Biochemistry. This is because molecules found in living organisms not only conform to all the familiar physical and chemical principles governing the behavior of all molecules, but, in addition, interact with each other in accordance with another set of principles that we shall refer to as the Molecular Logic of the living state.

These principles do not necessarily involve any new or as yet undiscovered physical laws of forces. Rather, they should be regarded as a set of ground rules that govern the nature, function, self replication, and interactions of the specific types of molecules found in the living organims. Not all the principles comprising the molecular logic of the living state have yet been completely-identified; indeed, some are only dimly perceived. In fact, it is perhaps more appropriate to speak of these principles as axioms, since some of them are intuitive and not yet definitely-provable.

The Lining of the Intestines and its Function

It is known that the lining of the intestine is an active organ tissue that breaks down nutrients, selects what it will or will not allow to be absorbed into the blood stream; and controls the speed with which the action takes place. Enzyme Absorption research continues to show enzyme absorption methods in new and dynamic ways, and we know that the intestinal lining absorbs enzymes intact. Today we know that enzyme absorption is possible?and, in fact, this process occurs daily. Enzyme absorption occurs through two main methods:

1) Pinocytosis (from root word “pinocyte” originating from Greek  “pineo” meaning “to drink” and “kyto” meaning “cell” that is to say in English “to drink cells” technically-speaking the uptake of fluid-filled vesicles into cells (endocytosis). The action of pinocytosis is a distinct process, being energy-independent, and involving the formation of receptor ligand clusters. This is described technically by saying: Any molecules, including enzymes, that binds to substances (i.e. water), which in turn allows the usage of water-soluble molecules such as TumorX Enzyme to bind to a receptor (i.e. amylase connected to water). When this process takes place the TumorX enzymes are able to migrate through the wall of the intestinal gut and directly into the bloodsream. A simpler comparison is the elevator. A person steps into an elevator on the first floor and the door closes behind them. Upward the elevator travels, the door opens and the person steps out onto the second floor. Similarly, the intestinal lining encloses and engulfs enzymes that travel to and from the second floor (bloodstream) where the door opens, releasing the passenger (amylase enzyme). Once the enzymes are in the bloodstream the enzymes can travel to the lymphatic sysyem. This is achieved by the enzymes hitching a ride via the lympochytes, that is to say, the white blood cells which help fight the disease and infection. This process helps the enzymes travel through the vascular system easily and effectively.

2) Peristalsis (from root word ?Stalsis? originating from Greek meaning ?contraction?) is the transcellular absorption or migration process in which large enzymes and nutrients are pushed in a wormlike movement by the digestive tract through the small intestine. This provides both longitudinal and circular motion using the contraction and release of the cells in a juxtapositional relationship; the enzymes travel along the epithelium component of the cell. In essense, the cells? surrounding tissue consists of a wave-like motion caused by the contraction. The enzymes pass through the tube-like passage, made exclusively for the passing enzymes, for variable distances throughout the body until the enzymes find carcinomas, damaged cells (pre-cancerous cells), or debris in the body. If the enzymes are not utilized, the enzymes are then forced into the bloodsream to travel around the vascular system until a location or opportunity arises where the catalyst action of the enzymes can be positively-utilized.

Enzyme Therapy and Synthesized Vitamins

Enzymes are able to migrate around healthy cells looking for non-living compounds. A good example of this are cholesterol esters?enzymes reacting with cholesterol to manufacture vitamin D2 and D3 (ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol) to save one?s body from artery-clogging debility called heart disease. Enzymes work in harmony with the body to manufacture these extremely complex naturally-synthesized chemicals.

Enzyme Absorption System Enhances maximize enzyme activity. They can also improve the absorption and bio-availability of various nutrients, and decrease the drain on the body?s own digestive enzymes, thus prolonging their lives. Enzyme therapy as a preventative has a definite place for prevention in the lives of cancer patients. An individual with cancer should work with his or her physician to plan a treatment plan that includes enzymes.

Enzyme Therapy has worked on all cancer types:

Cancers That Have Been Helped By Systemic Enzyme Therapy Research has supported the efficacy of enzyme therapy in the treatment of the following types of cancer:

  • Oral Cavity & Pharynx
  • Tounge
  • Mouth
  • Pharynx
  • Digestive System
  • Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • Small Intestine
  • Colon
  • Rectum
  • Anus, anal canal &anorectum, Liver & intrahepatic bile duct
  • Gallbladder & other biliary
  • Pancreas and other digestive organs
  • Respiratory System
  • Larynx
  • Lung & bronchus
  • Other respiratory organs
  • Bones & Joints
  • Soft tissue (including heart)
  • Skin including basal & squamous
  • Melanoma
  • Other non-epithelial skin
  • Breast ulcerated and un-ulcerated
  • Genital System
  • Uterine Cervix
  • Uterine Corpus
  • Ovary
  • Vulva
  • Vagina and other genital, female organs
  • Prostate
  • Testis
  • Penis and other genitalia, male
  • Urinary System
  • Urinary bladder
  • Kidney and renal pelvis
  • Ureter & other urinary ograns
  • Eye & orbit
  • Brain & other nervous system
  • Endocrine System
  • Thyroid
  • Other endocrine
  • Lymphoma
  • Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Leukemia
  • Acute lymphocytic leukemia
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  • Acute myeloid leukemia
  • And other leukemias
  • Enzyme therapy has worked on all types of cancers known to plague humans

Enzyme Summary:

Our body?s ability to function, to repair when injured, and to ward off disease is directly related to the strength and number of our enzymes. That?s why an enzyme deficiency can be so devastating. All life processes consist of a complex series of chemical reactions. These reactions are referred to as metabolism. Without enzymes there would be no breathing, no digestion, no growth, no blood coagulation, no perception of the senses, and no reproduction. Our bodies contain millions of enzymes, which continually renew, maintain, and protect us. No person, plant, or animal can exist without them.

To my knowledge thousands of people world wide have successfully treated themselves using the TumorX Protocol. information is based upon the research and opinions of Dan Raber et al.

As emerging and historical research is found and assimilated the web-site will change to encompass newly discovered thoughts thus effecting the opinions expressed. Simply said, the aspiration of knowledge is perpetual.

The opinions expressed on are not approved by the Federal Trade Commission, or any other Federal or State agency or medical trade union (American Medical Association).

All rights are reserved © 2006 Dan Raber

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