Cleansing Your Gallbladder and Liver

 Cleansing the gallbladder and liver is more important than many people think. The Gallbladder and Liver play an important role in processing toxins that enter our bodies in our everyday lives. Over time they can be taxed and begin to function less efficiently and even fail in some cases. Regular cleansing of these vital organs can help them to do their jobs properly and keep you healthy.

 By consuming simple, organic mixtures, you can simply and easily remedy common ailments of the Gallbladder and liver such as gallstones and other blockages that may be keeping your body from functioning properly. There are several different methods that you can use to cleanse both the gallbladder and the liver, but the following are very effective and easy to quickly mix-up.

Cleansing the Liver Naturally

Several different methods can be used to cleanse the liver. However, the following is preferred by
many and very beneficial.

What you will need:

  • Superphos 30 – to soften Gallstones
  • 2-3 Fresh Lemons
  • Cold-Pressed Olive Oil  
  • Epsom Salt
  1. Add 90 drops of Superphos 30 to a glass of organic apple juice.
  2. Drink this for two days. The Superphos 30 will help to soften any gallstones that may be present in the

liver as well as the gallbladder. Before you go to bed on the second day, drink the juice of two
or three lemons mixed with 3 ounces of cold-pressed olive oil. Do not use lemon concentrate as
an alternative. Try to lie on your right side for as long as possible. Follow in the morning with
the gallbladder cleansing solution of Epsom Salt. Visit and go to my
“Nutrition Store” to purchase Livatrex and Liver Detox, or for other products and programs.

Cleansing the Gallbladder

The gallbladder is known to develop small stones and crystals. These objects are often varied in size
and range from a dark green color to a light green color. They are typically round and moderately
firm, about the size of a pea, although they may be larger than a nickel.

The gallbladder can be relieved of these stones and crystals by simply having a colonic in the
morning. However, if you do not have a colonic you can mix up a solution of one-tablespoon Epsom
salt and 8 ounces of water. Drink the solution and lied down for about two hours until you have a
bowel movement. If you do not have a bowel movement, consume another glass and lie down again
until you have a bowel movement. With the bowel movement, you may find these gallstone-looking
objects in your stool. Visit and my “Nutrition Store” to purchase Livatrex
for a healthier gallbladder function.

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