Simple Lifestyle Changes to Make Before the Holidays!

Every New Year’s do you pledge to get in shape—go on that diet you keep saying you’ll start “Monday” and commit to a rigorous exercise plan?

Does your commitment end by the next weekend…if not sooner? Feel disillusioned by living in what seems like deprivation for the rest of your life?

The following are simple immediate changes you can make that will set you on the right track without having to do a 180-degree about-face:

Don’t skip breakfast to “save on calories.” You’ll end up exhausted and over-hungry by lunchtime setting up a craving for fatty or sugary foods and too much of them. Start your day with a quick detox cup of hot water and lemon to get your system going. Add a splash of organic apple cider vinegar (make sure to get the kind with the “mother” included). Two hours later have an egg omelet with vegetables and remember to use a salt substitute.

Skip the salt

Check the labels of the food you buy and note how much sodium is added. Too much salt is a culprit in high blood pressure, which is linked to conditions such as heart failure and heart attack, kidney problems, fluid retention, stroke, and osteoporosis. There are plenty of salt substitutes available, which are a blend of spices

Healthy snacks

It’s 4:00 PM and you’re feeling drained… tempted to reach for the candy bar for a quick sugar high? Don’t go there! You’ll surely just feel more tired when the sugar high wears off. Instead, reach into a bag of baby carrots and scoop up some hummus, which will give you the plant-based protein to keep you going. You can buy organic pre-made or make your own. It’s an easy blend of chickpeas (garbanzo beans), tahini paste (ground sesame seeds), olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic in a food processor.

Drink up! Add more fresh veggies to your diet

A quick and easy way to add more vegetables to your diet is adding green juices. Try one or two throughout the day. Whip one up in the morning while you are boiling water for your lemon drink. Put it in a thermos to drink on your way to work or running errands. Remember to use organic, free from pesticides and GMOs. (See “Making Heads or Tails About Juicers”)

Easy 1-serving combinations include:

  • 4 cucumbers, 4 collard leaves, ¼ carrot, 2 sprigs parsley
  • 4 spinach leaves, 4 kales leaves, 4 turnip leaves, 2 celery stalks, ¼ clove garlic
  • 1 cup green beans, 5 leaves of spinach, 2 cucumbers, 2 celery stalks
  • 1 cucumber, 1 beet, 1 carrot, 6 kale leaves, 3 collard leaves, ¼ clove garlic
  • 4 broccoli florets, 4 spinach leaves, 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, ¼ inch ginger

Slip in a bit of daily exercise

Take the stairs and park your car farther away from your destination… or better yet, walk there from home. Those steps add up. Don’t meet a friend for coffee, chat away catching up on a walk around the neighborhood. (See the blog “Step it Up!” for more tips.)

Don’t forget your daily supplements, including probiotics, and Panoxol!

Panoxol is a natural daily supplement for overall circulation, optimal blood pressure, weight loss, and muscle recovery. Everybody should be on it! Use Panoxol to harness the power of natural ingredients for your well-being. A physician-formulated, United States-patented blend of six all-natural ingredients that promote overall cardiovascular health. Panoxol includes:

  • Horse Chestnut to alleviate inflammation related to injury, venous insufficiency, and swelling
  • Red Yeast Rice to support healthy cholesterol levels and overall heart health
  • Ginkgo Biloba to promote circulation and heart health
  • Cayenne to promote overall cardiovascular function and aid detoxification.

Order Panoxol at and other daily supplements at

Most important remember, do what you can. Each effort is a step in a healthy direction. It’s all about progress—not perfection!

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